Sunday, July 10, 2022

This Sunday, we will reflect on a familiar parable that Jesus shared (based on Luke 10:25-37). A priest, a Levite and a Samaritan each come across a badly injured man in a ditch. The priest and Levite walk past him. The Samaritan helps the man. New Testament scholar, Amy-Jill Levine (who is Jewish), shared in an interview with U.S. Catholic Magazine*:

“The best interpretation I’ve heard about this parable was from Martin Luther King Jr. He said something like: I don’t know why they walked by the man in the ditch, but here’s what my imagination tells me. Perhaps these men were afraid. They say to themselves, “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me? There are bandits on the road.” And the Samaritan says, “If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”

How might this parable be speaking to us today, where we find ourselves in our community and world? As we welcome New Members this Sunday, how might questions in the Membership Vows challenge us, as a community of individuals from a rich diversity of backgrounds and faith traditions?

We will also sing hymns, pray and reflect, and share a Children’s Moment. We will offer a special prayer for Rodney Long, who has served as our Director of Youth Ministries since January of 2018, and has been a blessing to the St. Mark’s community in so many ways. The Chancel Choir, accompanied by Matthew Wachtman, will lead us in music. Randy Rogers will read our scripture passage(based on Luke 10:25-37). The sermon is titled “What Questions are We Asking?”

For those of you joining us, in person, we hope you be able to stay for Lemonade on the Lawn, after worship, to greet our New Members and to wish Rodney well as he begins his work with music educators and students in New York City.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit at 10:30 AM, and click on the Live Stream banner.

*This article appeared on the October 2012 issue of U.S. Catholic (Vol. 77, No. 10, pages 18-22).

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Who are those individuals have made a difference in your life, or in our world? What was it about them, and their way of being in the world, that was impactful? How did they carry faith, hope and love in ways that created change, sometimes even in the face of insurmountable odds?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German theologian and pastor who lived during Hitler’s rise to power. Earlier than many, Bonhoeffer saw the Fuhrer’s autocratic leadership style, his hatred of others who were unlike him, and his willingness to use the Church to further his aims. He also saw the stranglehold on the German national psyche that only became tighter the longer he was in power. Bonhoeffer’s response to this was to lead of life of concrete Christian discipleship, and to call others in the Church to follow that path. Though his opposition to Hitler and the pursuit of this discipleship cost him his life, his influence on the Church far beyond Germany and for decades beyond his own era continues to grow.

In the midst of his ministry, Jesus sent seventy-two of his disciples out on a mission to proclaim the good news in towns in advance of his coming. He told them that there was a readiness for this mission, but also told them that their work could prove costly to them. Specifically, he said, “I send you as sheep into the midst of wolves.” But when these returned from this daunting venture, they reported their surprise, that even evil powers submitted before them. They had discovered a power to influence others they had never known before.

We ask ourselves, “Can our discipleship in this faith make a difference in our conflicted world?” We’ll work with this in the worship service on Sunday, as the sermon is titled, “And To Their Great Surprise: Finding A Way to Make a Difference.” The sermon arises from Luke 10: 1-11; 16-20, which will be read by Dian Ludlow. Stephanie Conklin, accompanied by Ilze Akerbergs, will sing “American Anthem.” We will celebrate Holy Communion, have a moment for children, sing and pray together. We hope you join us.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit at 10:30 AM, and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

It’s commonplace these days to say that we live in a polarized and polarizing world. Many officials we are electing on a national scale are very ideologically driven, and fewer are pragmatic problem solvers. In terms of family, a majority of Americans now flinch at the idea of their child marrying a supporter of a different political party. A 2018 study of the 2016 presidential election found that Americans spent thirty to fifty minutes less than they did in previous years at Thanksgiving dinner celebrations in politically contested areas. Many of us bear sad witness to this ongoing and worsening tension within our own families over religion, politics, public health and matters of race, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Surely, we say to ourselves, our faith can help heal this polarization. Undoubtedly, we believe, God wants our families and communities to thrive, and know deep unity. But there is an interesting hitch. In Matthew 10, Jesus said that he did not come “bring peace to the earth.” Rather, he came to bring a sword…to “set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother.” So the prophetic voice of Jesus does not bring immediate relief to this longing for enhanced connection and reconciliation.

So perhaps it is time for these two things, our longing for connection and this demanding teaching of Jesus, to have a chat. We’ll do that in sanctuary worship this week, as the sermon is titled, “Weaving Together a Torn Apart World”, arising from Matthew 10: 34-39, to be read by Eric Metzler, and Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12, to be read by Jason Peifer. We will be led musically by the Chancel Choir, accompanied by Matthew Wachtman. We will sing hymns, pray and have a moment for children.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit at 10:30 AM, and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

This has been a great Vacation Bible School week, at St. Mark’s. Children, youth and adults have been teaching and learning together, connecting with Bible stories that guide us, and nurturing sacred community. Our theme has been “Who Were the People in our Neighborhood?” If you now have the theme song for Mr.Rogers’ Neighborhood running through your mind, it fits. Fred Rogers, a minister, who lived out his calling in his television show, once said,

“Whether we’re giving or receiving help, each one of us has something valuable to bring to this world. That’s one of the things that connects us as neighbors—in our own way, each one of us is a giver and a receiver.”

As we intentionally reflect on the gifts and wisdom of those whose experiences predate ours, we include all peoples, and our natural world, as well. In the Gospel reading this Sunday, 12-year-old Jesus does not join his parents, after the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. While Mary and Joseph are frantically looking for him, Jesus is in the temple, sitting amongst the teachers, asking questions, and sharing his wisdom and understanding of the scriptures. They were amazed.

What might we learn from those who came before us, and those who share our journey now. Plan to be part of worship this Sunday, as we are led by our children, youth, and the young-at-heart of all ages. There will be great music, led by Rodney Long, our Chancel Choir, with accompaniment by Matthew Wachtman. We will return to having our young ones gather us into worship with a ringing of the bells and shakers.

We will also pray and reflect, and sing hymns. Greta Stephenson will join us in a Children’s Moment. Jack Starr, and family, will read our scripture passage (based on Luke 2:41-52). The sermon is titled “Who Were the People in our Neighborhood?”

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit at 10:30 AM, and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Do you remember a time when you came into the presence of something true, something beautiful, something good, or for that matter, something difficult, and you just were unable to take it in? Caitlin Trussell is a pastor and blogger, and she recalls learning to dance ballet as a child. In many ways, she said, it helped her survive some of the chaos in her family. But when she was nearly thirteen, he dance instructor began to talk about “point shoes”. Even if you know little about ballet, you’ve likely seen the pictures of the dancer moving around solely on their toes. It is a classic image of ballet dancing. But being able to dance like that requires a great deal of preparation and strengthening. It is an aspect of dance that indicates a readiness…an ability to, in effect, be on one’s toes.

In Jesus’ last night with his disciples, he said to them, “I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them.” In the immediate sense, they were still in denial about the depth of the danger Jesus faced, and the reality of his absence from them. In a larger sense, being a disciple means that we become part of a community of faith where truth finds a home, and where the Holy Spirit helps us, and we help each other, embrace the things that are difficult to bear.

We’ll talk about this in the sermon on Sunday, which is titled, “When We Come to It: A Trinity Sunday Reflection on the True”, arising from John 16: 12-15. The sermon title comes from a poem by Maya Angelou, titled, “A Brave and Startling Truth.” The Chancel Choir, accompanied by Matthew Wachtman, will lead us in Music. We’ll sing hymns, have a moment for children, pray, and celebrate Holy Communion.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit at 10:30 AM, and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

In this graduation season, I asked myself if any of the commencement speeches I had heard were memorable? I’m guessing that the graduates of Tennessee in 2009 remember that Dolly Parton delivered the address on their graduation day. She said to them, “Now people are always asking me, ‘what do you want people to say about you a hundred years from now?’ I respond I want them to say, ‘Dang, don’t she still look good for her age.’”

I have always enjoyed the student speeches during graduation ceremonies. These speakers don’t come from the outside world. These are a part of that graduating class, and so many there will have shared similar experiences as the speaker. And often, the speakers have been commendable examples of the richness of the life of their school.

Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, the day we remember the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ gathered disciples. In the biblical story, this occurred during a sermon preached by Simon Peter. In a way, Peter seems to have been an unlikely “commencement” speaker for this class of disciples. He tended to be more than a little argumentative with Jesus, and toward the end of the semester, completely botched the final exam. On the night of Jesus’ arrest, when asked three times to confirm that he was indeed a follower of Jesus, he vigorously denied that he was. Why was Peter, then, the one who was given the task of proclaiming the Good News on the day the Spirit descended on the Church? What does the mean for our own discipleship?

We’ll talk about this in church on Sunday. The sermon is titled, “A Different Kind of Valedictorian.” It arises from the story of the first Christian Pentecost, as found in Acts 2: 1-21, which will be read by Dan Hughes. We will be led musically by the Chancel Choir, accompanied by Matthew Wachtman. We’ll also have a time for recognizing graduates, and pronounce a blessing on those who will be representing our church at Annual Conference. We’ll have hymns, prayers and a time for children.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit at 10:30 AM, and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

What are some things you have witnessed this past week? Perhaps a beautiful sunset or a strong storm; a celebration of a graduation, marriage or birthday- or a celebration of life for a loved one deeply missed; a story in the news of those opening their hearts and homes to families fleeing war- or the heart wrenching news of the horrific shooting in the Texas school. In-person, or through media, we may have been witnesses to all of these in some way.

In the Gospel reading this Sunday, Jesus says to his disciples, right before he ascends into heaven, “You are witnesses of these things.” What did that mean for the first disciples? And, what might it mean for us to live as God’s witnesses in the world today? We will explore this and other things together this Sunday. We will also pray and reflect, share in a Children’s Moment, sing hymns and have an anthem led by our Chancel Choir, accompanied by Matthew Wachtman. Tom Shafer will read our scripture passage (based on Luke 24:44-53). The sermon is titled “You are Witnesses of these Things”.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit at 10:30 AM, and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Christians are under a mandate from Christ to forgive, to accept forgiveness for our trespasses, and to extend forgiveness for those who trespass against us. It is a joyful mandate, for it is through forgiveness that we are made whole. We pray about forgiveness every time we worship together.

But how do you forgive when you’re not even sure who to forgive? Does the forgiveness mandate extend to someone like Putin, or is there an international exemption? Does it count as forgiveness if you just outlive all the trespassers you’re supposed to forgive?

These are questions that this Sunday’s preacher will raise so that our real pastors can answer them when they get back, refreshed from watching an almost reasonable facsimile of baseball.

In this service, Rev. John McFarland will preach the sermon titled, “The Chaos of Forgiveness.” The sermon arises from I John 1: 5-10 and Matthew 6: 5-14, which will be read by Mark Cox. The Chancel Choir, accompanied by Ilze Akerbergs, will lead us in worship. We’ll have hymns, prayers and a moment for children.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit at 10:30 AM, and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Writer and pastor Ferrell Mason tells of attending a book signing with Barbara Brown Taylor at the publication of her book, Home by Another Way. As Ferrell tells it, Barbara is one of her faith heroes, and during the question and answer time, she summoned the courage to ask Barbara a question. Ferrell asked, “What is your definition of hope?” Barbara gave it back to Ferrell, saying, “Yes. Tell me, what is hope?” Ferrell said she froze for a moment, being in a sudden limelight, and with three of her seminary professors sitting in the front row. Finally she said, “God has me, whatever happens. Ultimately, all will be well. God is making all things new.” Barbara smiled and said quietly, “Yes. Thank you.”

“God is making all things new.” That may not be received as unqualified good news by those who like the way things are. But these words speak the truth that faith is always a dance between the old and familiar, on the one hand, and the new and emerging, on the other. They help us understand that creation is not a one-time event, but that the God who created is still creating. They also point to the reality that the God who redeems is always looking for ways to nudge us to deeper and more broad transformation.

We’ll talk about this in worship on Sunday, as the sermon is titled, “Making All Things New: Easter Hope for this Day.” The sermon arises from Revelation 20: 1-6, which will be read by Kathy Scheid, and John 13: 31-35, read by Laura Baich. Dan Hughes will also present a Mission Moment about Stephen Ministers, a group that serves through the spiritual practice of deep, prayerful listening and caring. The Sanctuary Choir, accompanied by Matthew Wachtman, will share the anthem. We’ll have a moment for children, hymns and prayers.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit at 10:30 AM, and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Disciples of Christ pastor and theologian Fred Craddock wrote that, as a boy, he and his family lived near railroad tracks. One day, he went into the kitchen and a man who was a stranger to him was sitting at their table, eating a big breakfast. When he left, Fred asked his mother, “Who was that?” She said, “Well, he said his name was Henry, and he said he was hungry.” Fred then asked, “Well, where did he come from?” His mother replied, “From the railroad tracks.” Fred asked, “Mama, weren’t you scared?” “He was hungry,” she said. “Well, I was scared,” said Fred. Fred’s mom said, “Well, he was hungry.” Does the story raise questions about basic safety issues? Sure. And it also reminds us that we are to allow our concern to interrogate our fear.

There is a meal at the heart of our faith. And at this meal, whenever we celebrate it, we are given a front row seat as our fear and our hunger have a conversation. Like the man in Fred’s story, we are all hungry. Like Fred as the little boy, we are also acquainted with fear. And like Fred’s mom, we are given the opportunity to decide how we will honor some of our most basic energies, our hunger and our fear.

The fourth Sunday of the Easter season is often called “Good Shepherd Sunday.” The Gospel lesson from John 10 speaks of Jesus as the shepherd of the flock of God. The sheep, Jesus says, know the voice of the shepherd. And Psalm 23, which famously begins, “The Lord is my shepherd,” speaks of the table that is prepared for us in the presence of our enemies.

The sermon Sunday is titled “You Prepare a Table Before Me”, arising from Psalm 23. We will also celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We will have a moment for children, sing hymns, offer prayers, and be led in music by the Sanctuary Singers accompanied by Matthew Wachtman. Claire Schaffer will present a follow up report from the Sacred Hospitality team on the work of the retreat held last Sunday.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit at 10:30 AM, and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Keeping our young ones safe, in the height of the pandemic, was certainly a main priority. One of the things we truly missed was celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism together, especially with our children. Just months before the world shut down, we baptized a precious young one who fully embraced the moment, splashing in the waters of baptism, and sprinkling all of us near her with the baptismal waters, as well. She reminded us that baptism is as much about community, as it is about the individual.

In the scripture reading this Sunday (based on John 21:1-19), Jesus appears to his disciples on the beach, offshore from where they are fishing. Jesus sees Peter, who once jumped from a boat and swam to Jesus on a shore, not patient enough for the boat to dock. This time Peter rows to the shore and sees Jesus, who he had denied three times. Jesus now asks Peter three times “Do you love me?” Peter, whose heart is heavy, says he does each time. Jesus now tells him “Feed my Lambs”, “Tend my Sheep”, “Feed my Sheep”. Jesus still believes in Peter, and believes in us, to do the same, and be the disciples he needs in the world.

We are blessed, this Sunday, to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with three of our children. Brianna Murray will share a solo, Et incarnetus est from the Mozart Mass in C minor, accompanied by a Wind Trio and Matthew Wachtman. We will also share a Children’s Moment, pray and reflect, and sing hymns led by Sanctuary Singers and accompanied by Matthew Wachtman. The Shackelford family will read our scripture passage. The sermon is titled Yes, You are the Disciple I Need, and the World Needs.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream. To join online, visit and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Have you ever been surprised by the folks or experiences who became your most profound teachers? When I went to seminary the first time, I could never have predicted that a rather diminutive man from Australia, with a strong British accent, would so turn my theological and pastoral world upside down, and in a good way. But Dr. Barnard was just one of several surprising people who have come my way, and have opened my heart and imagination profoundly.

Sunday, we’ll have two teachers show up who have the potential to do that for us. Thomas (Aka Doubting Thomas) will tell us his story about his refusal to put away his deep questions. He was not with the rest of the disciples when they witnessed the Risen Christ. When they told him their stunning tale, he found it too much to believe. He said he would not accept their story unless he was able to place his hands in Jesus’ wounds. He needed to see this for himself. Perhaps he was not so logically rigorous. Maybe he knew how much it takes to open your heart to believe something that asks so much of you. Thomas was unwilling to buy into that lightly.

The other collection of teachers who come to us, this Sunday, do so at the conclusion of a week in which we have been asked to consider the call to care for creation. “Earth Day” will be this Friday, and as the UMC Book of Resolutions says, we are to “reaffirm our charge to care for creation as a trustee of God’s handiwork.” (Genesis 1:28). Specifically, on Sunday, we’ll see how trees inform and inspire us as people of faith. As German forest ranger Peter Wohlleben turned author would have it, trees care for their own, and create a veritable community in which the strong care for the weak trees and the young ones, and model a way of living well together.

We’ll talk about that this Sunday, as the sermon is titled “Learning from Trees and Doubters”. The sermon arises from John 20: 19-31, which will be read by Eleanor Lahr. Eleanor will also offer a “lesson from the contemporary church” on her understanding of the gift of creation. Stephanie Conklin and Lisa Kurz are singing Rutter’s, “All Things Bright and Beautiful. We’ll have hymns, prayers and a moment for children.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the live stream. To join online, visit and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Robert Frost’s little poem “Revelation” ends with this intriguing verse:

But so with all, from babes that play At hide-and-seek to God afar, So all who hide too well away Must speak and tell us where they are.

Do you remember playing hide and seek as a child? Perhaps as an adult, you have played it with children. Those acts of hiding are acts of imaginative play, and carry the expectation that one will be sought, and hopefully, found. Other forms of hiding carry most serious overtones, and are in fact, choices we make to keep safe.

It is interesting, then, to read story of the resurrection in the Gospel of John. There it is made clear that the disciples were in hiding, for fear that those who put Jesus to death would do harm to them as well. These were “behind locked doors”, unlike Mary Magdalene, who encountered the risen Christ in the garden.

As much as coming out of hiding can be an act of faith and courage, the act of hiding itself also has a rich tradition in the Scriptures. Psalm 27:5 says, “For in the day of trouble, the Lord will conceal me in the Tabernacle. In the secret place of the Tent, God will hide me.” And in Psalm 119:114, we read, “You are my hiding place.” Several things are therefore true. We all hide, in one way or another, and there is a hiding in God that keeps us safe. Eventually, we are called to emerge from the hiding place to be the visible disciples of Jesus in our world.

In a sense, the Easter proclamation “Christ is risen” is a declaration of an emerging from a hiding place. The sermon for this Easter Sunday morning is titled, “Good News For Those In Hiding.” In the service, there will be much joyful music, including brass, choral anthems, and selections from the Handbell Choir, as well as prayers and a moment for children. We will conclude our service with the singing of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the live stream. To join online, visit and click on the Live Stream banner.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

During this Lenten season, we have lifted up a few “saints” (past and present) who modeled faith, courage and humility. As is true for all of us, none were perfect. Yet, however well-known, most prioritized making authentic connections with those who crossed their paths. In the midst of great challenges, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama embraced joy in connection with others. (There is a great picture of Archbishop Tutu jumping on a bed with a group of children.) Mary McLeod Bethune, whose parents had formerly been enslaved, became a college president and advised five U.S. presidents. Yet, she prioritized getting to know the college students, who called her “Mama Bethune.”

On this Palm Sunday, we will enter into the story of Jesus entering the city of Jerusalem on a donkey (based on Luke 19:28-40). Riding on a donkey, Jesus was closer to the people who shared the same path. He could see their faces, hear their stories, and recognize their joys, pains and longings. While Jesus also spoke to crowds of people, he often gathered with others around tables, had conversations sitting with someone outside, and listened to the stories of others to whom he brought hope and healing.

We will explore, together, what that might mean for us on our faith journey, and as we prepare to enter Holy Week. We will also welcome all ages to be part of a Parade of Palms, led by our children, as we sing the opening hymn, waving our palms. (While there is no mention, in Luke’s Gospel, of palm branches waved or hosannas shouted, we’ll include those from other Gospel accounts.) We will also pray and reflect, sing hymns and have an anthem led by our Sanctuary Singers, accompanied by Matthew Wachtman. Cooper Tucker will read our scripture passage. Nina Taylor will also bring us a Mission Moment from our Care Ministries Team. The sermon is titled “Where Do We Find Ourselves in the Crowd?”

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the live stream.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

In the scripture passage for Sunday (based on Luke 13:31-35), some Pharisees warn Jesus not to go into Jerusalem, as Herod means him harm. Even recognizing his fate, Jesus says he will go there. He then offers this image of God’s love and care for us, as a hen gathering her chicks under her wings in love, protection and strength. There is also vulnerability, as the chicks will eventually leave their mothers protective covering. David Lose references Brene Brown in noting that vulnerability “also spurs us on to be more authentically human and more caring, compassionate, and courageous than we could otherwise be.”

As we lift up “saints” in this Lenten Season, this Sunday we reflect on how this scripture passage connects us to the courageous life story of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune. She was born on a cotton farm in 1875, and was passionate about access to education for black children. By selling sweet potato pies, she started her first school, with five girls and $1.50. In her lifetime, she advised five U.S. presidents, and was the only black woman present at the founding on the United Nations in 1945. She was a Methodist, and a delegate to General Conference four times.

We are fortunate to have Charlie Nelms, who is also passionate about education, in worship leadership this Sunday. He will be joining Mary Beth for the Children’s Moment & Sermon (Gathered Together in Strength and Love). We will also pray and reflect, share the Sacrament of Communion, sing hymns and have an anthem led by our Sanctuary Singers, accompanied by Matthew Wachtman, Marcia Lloyd will read our scripture passage. Also, thanks to some wonderful volunteers, you can take an individual sweet potato pie home with you after worship, and/or bring one to someone else.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the live stream.