I wonder how many of us remember our baptism. Some of us will have a difficult time of that, as we were tiny babies when our families took us to church, and the sacred words were spoken and dripping water was placed on us. Others of us were baptized when we were old enough to remember. But what does it even mean to remember? Memory is a powerful practice and spiritual grace in our faith tradition. When people of faith were first taught to observe the Passover, they were not to simply mentally recall the event. They were to remember it as though actually there.
After my mother died, my sister and her husband worked hard to empty our house, and put it on the market. It sold quickly. Some years after, I was visiting with my sister, she brought to me a box of memorabilia she wanted me to have. It contained pictures of our family, letters and cards, a ring my father had made from a mortar shell, and uniform rank patches from his military career. What surprised me most, though, was the scent that hit me in the face when she opened box. It was the very smell of our home. Until that moment, I hadn’t realized our house had a smell. In those seconds, pieces of my life I had so fully forgotten that I did not know they existed came rushing back to me. Deep memory is like that.
In service on Sunday, we’ll recall the story of Jesus’ baptism by John in the Jordan River. That text will invite us to remember the once-for- all experience of being baptized. We’ll ask what it meant for us then, and what it means to us now. The sermon is titled, “Precious Child of God, Beautiful to Behold.” It flows from Isaiah 43: 1-7, to be read by Malcolm Webb, and Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22, to be read by Mollie Lemon. We’ll celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and observe a ritual of the remembrance of Baptism. We will be led musically by the Chancel Choir, under the direction of Gerry Sousa, and accompanied by Ilze Akerbergs. We’ll have a moment for children, pray and sing together. We hope you join us in the sanctuary at 10:30.
To connect to our livestream worship Sunday morning,
click the link on our website www.smumc.church.
The service starts at 10:30am. Livestream starts at 10:25am.