sunday, july 26, 2020

Eighth Sunday of Pentecost
Reverend Mary Beth Morgan, preaching
Numbers 6:22-27
Blessing in the Midst of it All

Last week in worship, we considered, in the Book of Joshua, the stones that the people would set as markers of great visitations of God, visible reminders that God was with them. There was also a verbal way in which this awareness of the presence of the Divine was conveyed wherever they were. The “priestly blessing”, in Numbers 6, gave consistent words of grace given by God to religious leaders to say to the people. This blessing, which is still shared in both Christian and Jewish communities, begins with the words, “The Lord bless you and keep you”. And it includes a longing that the very “face of the Lord” would shine on them. This powerful expression means more than that “God smiles on them,” as some translations read. It means that the Lord looks upon the people of God with favor, and is blessing their very existence and sojourn in the world.

The stones became tangible reminders of the sacred memories held by previous generations, and passed down to new generations who were adding their own. This Sunday, in the Book of Numbers, we are going back (sort of a biblical “prequel”) to some of those previous generations whose stories and memories were poured symbolically into these stones. These memories included times of joy, immense sorrow, war, devastation and ordinary days.

Today, we are building our own collection of memories and blessings that we will hold, and future generations will inherit. For this Sunday’s worship, individuals and families were invited to share an image of a memory they will hold from this time of pandemic. Your photos and words were great in number and in thoughtfulness and grace. We will share these (in video form) in the worship service, which will also include inspiring music from our musicians and singers, a children’s moment, prayer and reflection, reading of the scripture from the Hebrew Bible (Numbers 6:22-27) from both Abby Brass (sharing a translation in English) and Aaron Comforty (sharing a translation in Hebrew with a brief reflection). The sermon title is “Blessing in the Midst of it All.” We look forward to worshiping together, on the livestream, this Sunday at 10:30am.

sunday, july 19, 2020

Seventh Sunday of Pentecost
Reverend Jimmy Moore, preaching
Joshua 4:1-7; 19-24
What Do These Stones Mean?: Holy Markers in the Life of the Beloved Community

What are those places and times that have served as holy moments and sacred space for you? We all have them. They are the stories to which we return to help define our lives, to understand who we are as the children of God in the Beloved Community. Anniversaries and birthdays are intended to serve as sacred reminders that we are loved and gifted, and they help sustain and orient us. When we are discouraged and disoriented, perhaps as many of us are in these challenging days, literally or spiritually we return to these storied experiences to see what grace they still possess for us.

In the Hebrew Scriptures, there are multiple stories of the People of God setting up stones as markers of times and places where the Divine had been powerfully experienced. One of these is found in Joshua 4, when the Israelites were crossing the Jordan, Joshua told them to choose twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan and to take them where they were camping. These stones were to become a sign, so that future generations would see them and ask, “What do these stones mean?” The question was to evoke a story of God’s presence in their life together.

This Sunday, we’re suggesting that you gather a few stones to have on a table nearby as you stream the worship service. See if these stones can help you think concretely about those times and places where your life, or the life of the community, has been graced. The sermon Sunday is titled, “What Do These Stones Mean?: Holy Markers in the Life of the Beloved Community” arising from Joshua 4: 1-7; 19-24. In addition to prayers and a moment for children, our singers will help guide our worship, and will be joined by oboist Rebecca McGuire.

We look forward to your joining us on the livestream at at 10:30 on Sunday morning. And remember, if you cannot make that time, the service is recorded and available to watch at a time more convenient for you.  

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Reverend Jimmy Moore, preaching
Matthew 13:24-30
What if a Weed is but an Unloved Flower

How are we to deal with things that are going badly in our personal life, family, or in our larger society? You’re pretty sure you know what the “good” should look like, but there are things in plain view that are clearly broken. What should we do?

Here’s one approach: “Patience is a virtue.” We’ve all heard that one. Shakespeare said it with greater flourish when he wrote, “How poor are they that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?” So…take your time, right? 

But we also know that whether you are a parent or a leader of an organization, you can’t always afford to wait. As Dr. King wrote in the Letter from the Birmingham Jail, “For years now I have heard the word ‘Wait!' But there comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over, and men are no longer willing to be plunged into the abyss of despair. I hope, sirs, you can understand our legitimate and unavoidable impatience.”

Once Jesus told a story about a farmer who, when informed that there were weeds growing in the wheat crop, resisted the field workers’ suggestion that they go in and remove the weeds. The farmer instead urged patience, and told them to leave the weeds in place until the harvest. Attempting to move the “weeds” would cause harm to the “wheat.”

The story evokes questions. Why would Jesus tell a story urging patience? Do we really know that a weed looks like? Do “wheat” and “weed” represent people?

We’ll talk about this and more in the Sunday sermon, which is titled, “What if a Weed Is But an Unloved Flower,” arising from Matthew 13:24-30. We’ll sing hymns, have a moment for children, spend some time in prayer, and have a biblical reading from Tom Shafer. In addition to our Sunday morning musicians, we will be joined by Suyeon Ko, a wonderful flautist who has graced our Sunday worship services several times before.

We look forward to connecting with you on the live stream on Sunday morning. Go to for the 10:30 service.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Reverend Jimmy Moore, preaching
Learning From Jesus About Steel and Velvet
Matthew 11: 16-30

Have you noticed there’s a great deal of meanness out there these days? We are seeing people yelling at each other, often without a particular point, sometimes even waving guns at each other. Have you ever had any of that meanness directed toward you? And may I dare ask: have you noticed that such meanness has a way of reaching down inside of you and making you feel like acting pretty mean yourself? As Elizabeth Chang wrote in the Washington Post this week, Americans are living in a big “anger incubator”.

And have you further noticed that religion, which we expect to help us address our meanness and out of control anger, is not only of questionable usefulness, it is sometimes a part of the problem? Andy Rooney, long a writer and commentator for CBS News, once said, “I'd be more willing to accept religion, even if I didn't believe it, if I thought it made people nicer to each other but I don't think it does.” And it’s too bad Rooney did not find faith to be of help, because there were times when he said some pretty mean things himself.

So how do we find our way to be, say, and do urgent words and deeds, and not dip into the toxic pool of vindictive and petty meanness? Surely there must be paths to develop the qualities that Carl Sandburg saw in Abraham Lincoln, when he said that Lincoln possessed both “steel and velvet”, that is, strength and gentleness. Is it possible that neither must necessarily cancel out the other, and that both can be living qualities in the same person?

Jesus, in one of his conversations with his disciples, demonstrated the capacity to hold these things in tension. In this “chat”, Jesus spoke very firmly about his “generation”, in which people criticized John the Baptist for being more disciplined in his social practices, while in the next breath, chastising Jesus for being more relaxed. Then, in the same narrative, Jesus offers some of his most tender words, inviting the heavily burdened and wearied to learn a new way, to take “my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart.”

Let’s chat about this on Sunday morning. The sermon is titled “Learning From Jesus About Steel and Velvet”, arising out of Matthew 11: 16-30. In the sermon, we’ll see what we can learn from the life of Lincoln, and also from the grandmother of Howard Thurman. Thurman was an influential though not widely known African American pastor, theologian and mentor to leaders of the Civil Rights movement. We’ll also have a moment with children, prayers and hymns, and we will celebrate Holy Communion virtually.

In addition to our own Sunday morning musicians, we’ll be joined by Violinists Alejandro Guillén, conductor of the Bloomington Symphony, and his wife Sarah Cranor. We do look forward to the music this Sunday morning. Join us on the livestream for the 10:30 service.

Sunday, June 28

Reverend Mary Beth Morgan, preaching
Mark 4:1-20
Turning the Soil

In the late 1980’s, I was fortunate to be teaching in multi-age classrooms with mainly 4th-6th graders. At that time, the Choose Your Own Adventure books were very popular with this age group. There was not one set ending for each book. The reader was given an opportunity choose among paths to take. The chosen path would lead to a particular continuation of the story and its ultimate ending. It could end well for the reader, or even have a dire ending. (And, yes, there was a temptation to sometimes look ahead to have a better outcome . . .). While there were challenges with these books, they also nudged open a door to remind the reader that the stories of our lives are not static. Storying is a process.

This Sunday, we have the opportunity to enter into, what may seem for many, a familiar story from the Bible: The Parable of the Sower (Mark 4:1-20). Jesus shares this parable about a sower, seed and soil with the invitation for us to enter into it from the context of its telling and our context today. As Amy-Jill Levine and Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso remind us, “A parable casts two images side by side: the story in the text and the story of our own lives. When we explore the connection, we think about our relationships and our place in the world; we consider how we can be better people.” Together, we will have an opportunity to reflect together on “Turning the Soil” in this time and place that we share as a community and world.

We will also have a children’s moment, share in a time of prayer, hear the scripture reading from the Davis family, and be blessed by our music leadership with some wonderful and moving pieces and hymns this week. If this will be your first time joining us, or if you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for decades, we look forward to connecting together on the livestream this Sunday!

Sunday, June 21

Reverend Jimmy Moore, preaching
Matthew 10:34-42
The Fine Art of Losing and Finding Your Life

Anybody feel a little tired lately? Frankly, we’ve been going through a lot. I know some have found some restorative community in the more quiet “Stay at Home” life with the COVID-19 scare, but many others have found it a pretty stressful time. Beyond the social and personal reflections the virus brings and perhaps intensified by it, as a culture we’re going through some difficult, and at times, fierce conversations. We’ve all been challenged deeply to reflect on our understandings of race, policing, and governing. Every day seems to bring new crises, more arguing, and continuing violence.

Maybe it’s not just you who is weary. David Whyte, in his poem “Sweet Darkness”, begins with the sentence, “When your eyes are tired, the world is tired also.” Could it be that the world itself is tired? Hasn’t there just been too much wrangling, too much killing, too much racism, too much hate? Clearly, it’s time for some changes. We can’t keep going like this. But how do we bring about real change ... especially when we are body and soul weary?

In the Gospel lesson for Sunday, Jesus goes straight it, letting us know that this “gentle Jesus, meek and mild” is coming not to bring peace, but a sword. The image might be jolting, but Jesus is clearly saying that docility will not always bring about the good. And Jesus goes so far as to say that in the great search for life and peace, it will be those who are willing to “lose their lives” will be the ones who will indeed find life.

That’s tricky stuff. What can it mean for us? We’ll seek to unpack some of that in worship on Sunday morning, as the sermon is titled “The Fine Art of Losing and Finding Your Life,” arising from Matthew 10: 34-42. We’ll sing some hymns, pray and have a time for children. And for a special gift of the morning, Carrie Newcomer will sing a song of hope and change for us. We look forward to connecting with you in worship on the live stream this Sunday morning.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Rev. Jimmy Moore, preaching
Ramps and Walls: Building the Beloved Community with Sacred Witness
Matthew 9:35-38 & 10:5-14

After the devastating fire in London in the year 1666, the famous architect Christopher Wren, was commissioned to rebuild St Paul’s Cathedral. One day, it is said, he observed three bricklayers on a scaffold, one crouched, one half-standing and one standing tall, working very hard and fast. To the first bricklayer, he asked the question, “What are you doing?” to which the bricklayer replied, “I’m laying brick.” The second bricklayer, responded, “I’m building a wall.” But the third brick layer, with a different air about him, replied, “I’m building a cathedral.”

This story evokes questions: What are you building with your life? Do you believe you can make a difference? What language are you using? What actions are you taking? What questions are we asking? What kind of community are we seeking to bring into being? What things must we say and do in this most critical age? What things don’t help? And in a contentious and reactive culture, are there conversations and engagements that would be better to avoid because they do not help build the sacred community, in your house and in your community?

In the Gospel of Matthew, we can read that Jesus observed the crowds, and was moved at the aimlessness he noticed…that they were like “sheep without a shepherd.” So he sent his disciples to proclaim the reign of God, and to undertake redemptive, transform actions. And they were to notice the responses they got as information to help them discern their next actions. Do they stay in that place? Or do they leave it for the time being, because the resistance to change was so deep? One thing is clear: the people of Jesus are sent.

The sermon Sunday is titled, “Ramps and Walls: Building the Beloved Community with Sacred Witness,” arising from Matthew 9: 35-38 and 10: 5-14. Our singers will continue to bring us great music, and we will sing, pray, and celebrate Holy Communion virtually.

We look forward to connecting on the live stream this Sunday.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Reverend Mary Beth Morgan, preaching
Matthew 28:16-20
Degrees of Separation; Degrees of Community

You may have heard the theory of “six degrees of separation.” It suggests that all people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other.  Years ago, someone created a game “Six Degrees from (actor) Kevin Bacon”, which caught on. If you believe in the theory, or not, it is a reminder of our interconnectedness. In fact, Kevin Bacon has played off of this with advocacy for social distancing, by inviting people to respond to the hashtag #IStayHomeFor with the name of someone. 

 It could be #IWearAMaskFor, #IMarchFor, #IAdvocateFor…. It may be for ourselves, for someone close to us, or for someone we have never met. How might it affect us if we discovered we were six, or fewer, social connections away from George Floyd, or the names of so many others who were killed because of the color of their skin? 

 Jesus reminds us that we are all God’s children, of our sacred connection to one another, and that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. This Sunday, we reflect on the passage in Matthew’s Gospel sometimes referred to as the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).  Jesus appears to the eleven, and tells them to go out to all the nations, get to know others who are different from themselves, and share what he has taught them. This begins with the Beatitudes, which emphasize advocating for, and with, the oppressed and marginalized.

 Charlie Nelms tweeted, “Martin Luther King Jr. said it best, ‘there comes a time when silence is betrayal.’ There’s no better time than now to make our voices heard.” We are fortunate that a conversation with Charlie will be part of our worship service this Sunday. We are grateful for his wisdom and guidance. We will also have a children’s moment (in which we will share the story of Ruby Bridges), offer prayers, hear the scripture reading from Rodney Long, and be blessed by our music leadership with some wonderful and moving pieces and hymns this week. The sermon title is “Degrees of Separation; Degrees of Community”.  If this will be your first time joining us, or if you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for decades, we look forward to connecting together on the livestream this Sunday!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Pentecost Sunday
Rev. Jimmy Moore, preaching
Acts 2:1-13
Holy Host of Others: A Pentecost Longing for Community

Did you know you have a “holy host of others” standing round you? I suspect some of you remember hearing the phrase. In 1968, James Taylor was in London recording on the Beatles Apple label.  As he tells it, he was missing his family, his dog, Hercules, and the geographic home that had always been part of his soul’s remedy when he was having a hard time. Maybe you knew that the “holy host of others” in the song refers to the Beatles, who recorded that song with him. But it begs the question of who are those holy others who surround us, sometimes to our great surprise.

In Christian tradition, this coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, and as it is recounted in the second Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, marks the coming of the Holy Spirit. For many, the strange occurrences in the text are the memorable things: the tongues of fire, the rush of a mighty wind, and people who though their languages were diverse heard the Word spoken in a way that they could hear it. Admittedly, that’s all pretty impressive. But it is possible to overlook that in the heat of this story is the light that God was bringing together a collection of very diverse people to join in a common community and mission. In this story, the old chasms of difference… language and ethnicity and gender and persuasions…were bridged in the experience of the Spirit. In this story, there we see the image of the holy gaggle that Jesus sought to create, where all were gifted, where strangers could become friends, and where even enemies could find their way to peace. When the Spirit blows, a holy host of others come together to love deeply and justly. And make no mistake about it, this is a timely reality as we all are sensing the longing for community after months of “Stay at Home”.

 We’ll explore this on Sunday morning in worship. The sermon is titled, “Holy Host of Others: A Pentecost Longing for Community,” arising from Acts 2: 1-13. Our singers will offer a lovely anthem, we’ll have a children’s moment, sing some hymns, offer prayers, and hear a biblical reading from Max Cron. We will also have a time of honoring graduates during the service. We look forward to connecting with you on the live stream this Sunday.

SUNDAY, MAY 24, 2020

Rev. Jimmy Moore, preaching
Acts 1:1-11
Not All Who Loiter Are Lost: Waiting for the Spirit

If the pandemic has reminded us of anything, it is that there is much waiting in the world. Regardless of our status in life, our political positions, or our web of relationships, it is inevitable that we will find ourselves waiting. Some of that waiting is brutal, and some is downright immoral. Waiting to do the right thing is not just a passive retreat. It can contribute to evil by simply refusing to note its existence. But much of our waiting can be deeply powerful, transforming us for the good, and at the very least, can help us figure out who we are. As Henri Nouwen once said, “Waiting is a dry desert between where we are and where we want to be.”

Sunday in worship with St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, we’ll observe the Seventh Sunday of Easter and Ascension Sunday. The sermon is titled “Not All Who Loiter Are Lost: Waiting for the Spirit”, and arises from the Ascension Story in Acts 1: 1-11, where the risen Christ is with some of the gathered disciples. The disciples hear Jesus tell them that they are not to leave Jerusalem, but are to “wait” there. In that place, they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit, and will be witnesses to what is most deeply true. In effect, this time of waiting is a period of “readying”, in which they are to make themselves available for usefulness by God to share testimony, to speak and live in such a way that love and faith are enacted. To cite Nouwen again, when we are impatient, we expect the real thing to happen somewhere else, and we are eager to go there. When we are patient, Nouwen says, we dare to stay where we are, and live actively, nurturing the moment and readying for what is to come.

We’ll talk about this in the service, which is live streamed from the website. We’ll also sing hymns, pray, have a children’s moment, and have a great musical presentation by Brandan Sanchez, Brianna Murray, and Stephanie and Patrick Conklin. We look forward to connecting with you on Sunday morning. The live stream goes active by 10:25 for the 10:30 service.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Reverend Mary Beth Morgan, preaching
John 14:15-21
Come Along Side

This week I found myself remembering a day, a few months back, when I walked by the office doorway of Nursery School & Kindergarten Assistant Director, Robin Cole. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Robin sitting on the floor next to a young child who was probably around 4 years old, and who seemed to be having a challenging moment in his day. Even in that moment, I could feel how Robin’s gentle and caring presence was helping the child find a calmer space. In front of them, they had a collection of interesting objects, which we call “loose parts”, that they were exploring together. Immersed in this environment of care, wonder and possibility, this young one found some of his center again and enthusiastically shared what he was creating. Robin came along side him.

The scripture reading this week comes from the Gospel according to John. Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure from this world, but tells them he is not abandoning them. For, he will be sending paracletos, an Advocate which has a basic meaning of “come along side another.” Jesus did this in his time on earth, as does the Holy Spirit, and we are encouraged to do the same.

During the prelude this Sunday, we will share the pictures you sent of “Last Days of School” which have been very different this year. We will honor those who “came along side”: learners of all ages, teachers, parents, grandparents, all in education and others. And, we will honor and celebrate Robin, who is retiring (although Robin says “graduating”) after many years of inspiring and coming along side hundreds of children, parents, colleagues and others. Some of the pictures will be from the vehicle parade in front of her house.

Nursery School alumna, Yena Park, will read scripture (possibly with a little help from her brother Ian). We will sing hymns, pray, share in a Children’s moment, and be moved by some incredible music this week by our wonderful choir interns and Heather Orvek on the organ. To be a part, join the live stream by visiting the St. Mark’s website at We’ll look forward to connecting this Sunday at 10:30AM.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Rev. Jimmy Moore, preaching
The Evidence of Things Unseen: Faith Lessons from Dealing with a Virus
John 20: 19-31

A little girl in Ohio once asked her grandfather while they were watching some Amish folk ride down the street on horse drawn buggies, “Why don’t they use cars?” The grandfather answered, “Because they don’t they believe in them.” She replied, “But can’t they see them?”

Are there things that you deeply believe but cannot see? Whatever our faith teaches us, it is really easy to come to the point that we believe most powerfully in things that we can easily see. As we say, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” But at heart, we know that some of the world’s most powerful things in our lives are things on which we cannot lay our eyeballs.

Thomas, that disciple of Jesus, said he would not believe the tales being told of Jesus’ resurrection until he had seen the nail marks in Jesus’ hands and put his hands in the wounds on Jesus’ side. For this, Thomas has earned the name, “Doubting Thomas”. But as many have said, it might be more accurate and kind to call him, “Honest Thomas”. After all, he really just said the thing that revealed what he had come to believe, that he did not see anything getting better from that point. His friend was gone.

So from the standpoint of the resurrection story, Thomas was facing a test. He could not find a way to believe anything better could be true unless he saw it with his own eyes. But as with all good tests, there was an opportunity to learn something remarkably new that would change him. In a similar way, the coronavirus, something we cannot see, has brought a test upon us. It is asking us what we see, and is asking how we see the risen Christ working grace in the midst of it.

And that’s what we’ll talk about in worship from St. Mark’s on Sunday. We’ll hear Sonia Lee read scripture; we will sing hymns, pray, have a time for children, and hear Stephanie and Patrick Conlin sing, “How Can I Keep From Singing?” The sermon is titled, “The Evidence of Things Unseen: Faith Lessons from Dealing with a Virus,” arising from John 20:19-31. To be a part, join the live stream by visiting the St. Mark’s website at We’ll look forward to connecting this Sunday at 10:30 AM.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Reverend Jimmy Moore, preaching
Psalms 13:1-6; Jeremiah 29:4-7, 10-14
How Long, O Lord?: Spiritual Resources for Living in Exile

“How…much… longer?” Parents know the question very well. It is a version of the “Are we there yet?” question that the little ones in the back seats ask of the adults in the front seats on a long drive. But now, many of us are asking this question in a hundred different ways. How much longer will we be facing the challenge of this virus? When will I be able to get my hair cut? When can I quit worrying about whether we will find enough paper towels? Sometimes the question is much more poignant. How much longer before my business can reopen? When will I be able to get a job again? How much longer shall those in health care be inundated with such an incredible patient load under such risky circumstances? When will my health or the health of my loved one return? Will it?

These questions, and the growing body of information we are receiving, help us know that we’re going to be at this for a while. As many have said, our ways of doing health, church, business and life are going through a radical change. How does our faith help us manage?

There is a biblical word that could open some windows to understand and hope: exile. Our experience has become, at least for some of us, an exile. In many ways, we are cut off from life as we have known it. And in the Hebrew Scriptures, the themes of Exodus and Exile play prominent roles in helping the people of God understand who we are called to be. The exile experienced by the southern kingdom of Judah that began in 586 BC, called the Babylonian Captivity, did not involve taking everyone to Babylon. But many, including leaders and influential people were taken to live in Babylon. And this lasted for seventy years.

Those who went had choices to make: Would they accept this destiny easily? Would they despair? Would they find a third way? Would they be able to recover from a loss of residence, from a disruption of community fellowship, finding a completely way to worship, since they could no longer be near the temple? What lessons have they and others in exile learned that might help us?

In our online worship service on Sunday, the sermon is titled, “How Long, O Lord?: Spiritual Resources for Living in Exile,” arising from Psalm 13:1-6, and Jeremiah 29:4-7, 10-14. Brianna Murray will sing and we will celebrate Holy Communion virtually. Just have some bread and juice, or whatever you have available, and through the permissions of the bishop for this special time, we’ll take the sacrament together.

Join us on the livestream at 10:25AM for the 10:30 Service by going to the St. Mark’s Website at and clicking on the Live Stream button. The service is recorded and you can access it about an hour after the service ends by clicking on the archive section.

We look forward to connecting with you this Sunday.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Reverend Phil Amerson, preaching
Rediscovering the Essentials
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35

 Phil Amerson writes, “Twenty-five years ago Marcus Borg published the book: “Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time”.  In it, Borg challenged the easy images and assumptions many contemporary Christians have about Jesus of Nazareth.  The gospel lesson we are using in worship at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church this Sunday, Luke 24:13-35, is the compelling story of two of the earliest Jesus-followers.  They have witnessed the horror of the crucifixion but have missed the resurrection.  Traveling away from Jerusalem toward a place called Emmaus, they are joined by a stranger.  Upon arriving "home" they invite this fellow-traveler to their table and "met Jesus again for the first time." The story is so familiar for many of us.  Today, what might it help us see for the first time?  In this season of pandemic and fear, eager to get back to business-as-usual and back to something "normal," who and what might we re-discover to be essential?  Where is our true home? What might our eyes be opened to see for the first time?”

 We are very happy that Phil will be preaching for us this Sunday. He has served as pastor of Broadway United Methodist Church in Indianapolis and First United Methodist Church in Bloomington. In addition to other academic posts, Phil has also served as president of the Claremont School of Theology and of the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary on the campus of Northwestern University. In retirement, he continues his writing and speaking, and he shares life with Elaine in downtown Bloomington. We are fortunate that Elaine and Phil connect with the St. Mark’s community.

 Phil’s sermon this Sunday is titled, “Rediscovering the Essentials”. In addition to his sermon, we will sing hymns and read scripture, pray and have a children’s moment, and hear a musical piece from Brandan Sanchez.

To worship with us, join the service by visiting the St. Mark’s website at The stream will go active by 10:25 for the 10:30 service. The recording of the service is available under the video archives, also accessible by visiting the website, about an hour after the service ends.

 We look forward to connecting with you this Sunday!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Rev. Mary Beth Morgan, preaching
John 20:1-18
Messengers, Prophets and Helpers

This is a challenging time to be in the hospital, or other healthcare facility, due to COVID-19 or another illness or injury. It is also hard to have a loved one there, when there can be no visiting. There was a story, in the news, of an 88-year-old man desperate to see his wife, who is in a nursing facility. His family arranged the use of a bucket truck so he could reach his wife’s third floor window to see her. It is a great story, knowing few have those creative options.

When I talk with loved ones of those hospitalized these days, I hear the pain and anxiety of being separated. I also often hear gratitude for those healthcare workers who, even in the busyness, have gotten to know their loved ones and call them by name. Phone calls, or messages, from these caregivers are often a gift of grace to families.

This Sunday, we enter into the account of the resurrection of Jesus from the Gospel of John (20:1-18). In the second part of the passage, Mary Magdalene is weeping at the tomb, where Jesus’ body had been. She notices someone is behind her, but does not recognize that it is Jesus, and she assumes he is the gardener. It is not until Jesus says her name, “Mary” that she recognizes him and goes to tell the disciples. We are reminded, again, that God calls each of us by name, and in our own unique ways, to be Messengers, Prophets and Helpers.

On this 2nd Sunday of Easter, we will share Easter Sunday pictures from our community, during the prelude. We also look forward to a children’s moment, prayer, word and reflection, and are fortunate to have, in music leadership, Stephanie and Patrick Conklin and Heather Orvek. We are also especially lifting up, in gratitude and prayer, all those who serve in health care, We will have names of those you send on the screen during the closing hymn.

We continue to be inspired by the dedication and courage of all those working in health care during this pandemic. This includes nurses, doctors, aides, lab techs, first responders, chaplains, those who clean and prepare rooms, cook and deliver meals, and all who support patients, families, and the countless other essential workers on the front lines of this crisis. This Sunday in worship, we want to honor these dedicated people by lifting them up in prayer and gratitude. 

We invite you to recognize those in healthcare you know by sending us the first name and first letter of their last name: for example, “David R.” Please send these names to Mary Beth Morgan by 5pm on Friday. Sunday morning, during the hymn that closes our livestream service, we will display the collected names as a testimony to the many brave souls who are modeling love and faith for us all.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community or are joining us for the first time, we look forward to worshipping together, via live stream, on Sunday!